Top Countries That Use Witchcraft or Voodoo

Have you ever heard of witchcraft or voodoo magicians in real life, some incidents reported to have been experienced by large crowds in public. We are not talking about cute witches like those Disney shows or the tales in British history like Merlin and Morgana. We mean actual witchcraft, from core evil to core unexplainable. Countries that make this list are only countries with high number of reported witchcraft cases in recent years. These countries are so into voodoo that if someone from there gives you a treat from a distance you should still take it seriously.


Not just in from their movies, Nigeria is by far the most witchcraft infested country. Total number of death or reported cases relating to witchcraft are at least 1000 a year. Nigeria’s a notorious country for the use of witchcraft in their every day struggles such that it is a norm. Popular stories of all sorts exist, you would here of people being turned into yams, animals or stones. The contradiction is Nigeria is also the country with the most number of churches in the world. Also, Nigeria has a reputation of having fake spiritual doctors who perform cheap scams.


India is the second country in the world with the most witchcraft reports. Ranging from unexplainable deaths to reports of people transforming into snakes and other animals. Rumors and stories from people in India revolving around witchcraft are scary to the bone. It has been said some individuals have been killed by people who where in a totally distant environment just by some mystical methods. It’s hard to even imagine the police having to solve a case like these.


Benin comes third in this list, Benin makes it here from the high history of being the headquarters of African witchcraft. Being the country with the most native doctors in Africa, Benin is by far a huge source of totems and spiritual items. Also just like the leading Nigeria, Benin also has a high number of fakes acting to be voodoo specialists.


South Africa losses to Nigeria here but doesn’t fall far behind. Embedded in tradition excluded type of voodoo South Africa still makes it here.


Kenya has an alarming rise in the number of impossible cases occurring on a regular. It is a normal thing in Kenya to hear some dude die on the spot while doing something like having romance with someone else’s wife. Kenyans are so aware of these things that they may tell you once you get there.


Togo meets the competition with a good number of witch doctors and people who are into twisted voodoo.


Though being a country with many believes and deep catholic roots, Mexicans still have some incidents that we can only call pure witchcraft.


Haiti doesn’t just have pretty people but they have one of the most publicly known voodoo population. They only come so down the list because criminal incidents relating to witchcraft are not as in the countries above.

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